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The Modern Standard Arabic

Teaching Arabic Reading


This book is taught at level zero , where students learn how to read Arabic by spelling, and write it by listening. This book consists of two parts.

Teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers
The basic book

This book is taught at the preparatory level, where students learn a significant amount of vocabularies, and some light grammar rules.

The clear grammar


This book displays Arabic  grammar in easy and simple way, which  helps student  writing sentences without any trouble.

Morphology in practice


This book explains the rules of Arabic morphology, and the way of forming the Arabic word in simple and easy way.

Arabic At Your Hands

This series  introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, including schools, institutes and universities. It begins from the basic level and continues with the students until they master Arabic language, which enables them to join university and continue their Arabic studies in various majors.
• The series covers 10 Levels.

The clear Rhetoric


This book explains the aesthetics of Arabic expressions, and the characteristic way of forming poetry and literary writings.

The Egyptian Dialect

Kallimni ‘Arabi Series


 (5 vol. set) An Intermediate Course in Spoken Egyptian Arabic with CDs. This series  for the study of Egyptian colloquial Arabic the spoken dialect most frequently studied and most widely understood in the Arab world.

Let's Chat in Arabic


 A Practical Introduction to the Spoken Arabic of Cairo with CDs. This book helps student to improve his Arabic conversation skills.

The Qur'anic Studies

The Easy of Tajweed


 This book explains the rules of recitation of the Quran in a correct way with easy and concise manner.

Al Montakhab (the selected)
in the Interpretation of the holy Quran


 The book helps student to understand the meaning of the verses of qur'an in a simple and easy way.

Arabic calligraphy

Arabic calligraphy handbook


 Through this handbook, student practicing the art of Arabic calligraphy in 4 levels.

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